Your support is very much appreciated!
Adopt a Bat
More pups coming soon...
Direct Deposit
Stonedeaf Wildlife Limited
BSB: 034-668
ACC: 430508
Donate or
Want to get involved?
You can make a one time donation
or choose to adopt one of our recently rescued bat pups!
Stonedeaf Wildlife is a volunteer run, not-for-profit organisation and relies on donations from kind people like you.
The flying fox birthing season runs between October and December. During these months thousands of flying-fox pups are orphaned and will require rescue and rehabilitation. The food costs for each pup over this period can cost our volunteers between $100-150 each to supply raw fruits and specialised formula to ensure the pup is strong enough to be released back into nature in March/April.
By adopting a bat or making a one-time donation you can help fund the rehabilitation of one of our fury little friends.